Thursday, October 26, 2006

WWJD?: What Would Joo Do, bro?

So, I'm going to the bathroom (I mean going TO the bathroom, not you
know... poopin' as I type) and as I open the door I can tell that there
is a dude in the stall (it's a one-staller). He comes out of the stall
and leaves (no handy washy) when I enter the stall it looks like i
caught him in his office. There is an Arrowhead water bottle (cap off,
half full) a copy of Skateborder magazine on the floor and the old
throne has NOT been floosh'd. Awesome.

I guess the trip to the potty was this guy's first 'break' all day.

So I ask you dear reader, should I have chased the guy down and said
something? Or do we agree that other people's bathroom protocols
(however weird) are their own business?

Have ever eaten or drank a beverage while in the can? Wait a sec, mebbe
I don't want to know.

Needless to say, I ain't shaking hands with any new people I meet
--thePrisoner (from his real off, not 'the office')

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

okay, ewwww! double ewwww! the mag on the floor i can handle. the opened bottle of water i can handle too. but an unflushed toilet? that is just plain nasty. i would probably have chased the dude down and asked him if he had never heard of the word flush. that is just gross man! and you're right to not shake hands with anyone that you've seen leave the bathroom without washing up first. again, ewww!