Saturday, January 27, 2007

1000 Posts can't be wrong!


I was trying really hard to come up with something great for our 1000th post. But then I figured, what the hell, I'll just post some crap from somewhere else like I normally do.

There's a party at Mr. Kamikaze's tonight in celebration of our 1000th post. I have to keep my identity a secret so I won't be there. Or will I?

Mr. DNA (regrets the day he took that call from the Phoenix Foundation)


Stephanie said...

You don't look 1000...

Unknown said...

I'd like to congratulate us all on actually getting the tally up to 1000 posts. I hope that we have only marked 'the first' 1000 and that whenever something odd or awkward appeals to us we'll still post it here.

Congrats to The Smart Pareol.


Jerrster said...

I'm more surprised that someone actually noticed the tally in the first place...or do they send you an email reminding you?

either way congratulations!

Anonymous said...

Um... it's Friday, where's all the cheese??