Friday, December 21, 2007

Cheese Friday™ : The CEA

Did you know you need a Grade II Cheese Licence to eat String Cheese?

More Cheese facts can be found on the CEAs website.

Click the pic for more info.

"Illegal Cheese. It's just not worth it."

-Mr. DNA (eats and handles Cheese in accordance with all Federal, State, and Local laws)


Anonymous said...

Seriously, that cheese has the shelf life that would last through a nuclear war, and that my friend is the kind of cheese I eat!

Unknown said...

I have a waiver from my contacts in Canada. I am able to handle cheese unlicensed.

For far to long the United States has tried to resrict access to cheese and cheese products by a series of tests and regulated procedures.

Take back the cheese, now!

Unknown said...

too, not to

keyboards falure, not grammatical error. Honestly.


Jenny said...

God Bless you for your dedication.

Anonymous said...

or is it his stinky pride? Hrmmmm.

Mr. DNA said...

Upset Waitress - If it's good enough to lst through a nuclear war, it's good enough for me.

thePrisoner - The CEA is based in the UK. Your Canadian "waivers" mean nothing to them.

AB - Just doing my job.

Upset Waitress - Me thinks pride.