Thursday, December 20, 2007

Posted elsewhere

Living My Life Faster - 8 years of JK's Daily Photo Project from c71123 on Vimeo.

This guy took a picture of himself, everyday, for eight years. As far as I can tell from his site this is an ongoing art project that will last until he dies.

I saw this on a few sites. And yes, I know other people have done the same thing. I've seen lots of different ones. This one just stuck out. I'm not sure why.

It makes me feel like a slacker when I see stuff like this. I was trying to think of something that I have done every day voluntarily for the last eight years. I couldn't even say sleep (I've been known to stay up all night driving or working, or both). Maybe I'll start something today!
Oh wait, I'm kind of busy today. Tomorrow, definitely tomorrow. Or next week? Yeah, after the holidays. Things are gonna change, I can feel it.

You can check out his site here. He has a FAQ section.
And yes, you have questions.

-Mr. DNA (has paved the road to hell)


Manuel said...

my neighbors are delighted with lovely loud music......I tried to do something like that once with a polaroid camera......gfriend got very freaked out so I had to stop.........

Anonymous said...

i like the pube stash

Jerrster said...

I have done nothing repetitive for 8 years....except maybe take a piss. I wonder if anyone is photographing that. maybe I should you piss every single day? would I have a camera every time? is it ART? is there $?

Karen said...

The only thing those photos prove to me is that some days are definitely rougher than others. Its a clever idea in a weirdo sort of way though. I like the one where they film a group of people every 7 years from the age of 7. One group are up to age 49 at the moment.

Native Minnow said...

Time for me to start being creative. Hmmm. Jerrster already took the idea of pissing every day. I got nothin'.

Anonymous said...

That man was HOT...Until he tossed a mop on his head and grew a front lawn on his face.

Mr. DNA said...

Manuel - Sorry, I guess I should have warned regarding the loud soundtrack. Gfriend? Oh, I had assumed, well I mean, you know, funny, sharp wit, stylish. : )

Juan Waters - I'm sure he gets that compliment a lot.

Jerr - 1)Probably. 2)Yeah, you should. 3)Yes. 4)Yes. 5)Sure. 6)If you're doing it for the money you'll die very poor.

Gypsy - I haven't heard of the every 7 years project. Sounds cool.

Native Minnow - I'm sure you'll think of something. Keeping with Jerr's theme, maybe crap?

Upset Waitress - Just think, that dirty hippie that comes in to your place to eat could be a hunk. Let me know how it turns out.

Manuel said...

thanks.....I'll take it as a compliment....grrrrr