Thursday, March 24, 2005

30 Minute Comics Vol.2 Issue 17


They lay me down on the warm marble. I could still make out some traces of light through the white bandages wrapped around my eyes. The chanting of the priests was rhythmic and had put me into a medative state. I could smell the pungent odor of the bubbling fluid in the pot up above me. My servents were murmuring to each other as they arranged my body. To them I was nothing but a corpse now. Among the throngs present I heard one of the young women crying to her sister about my death. Her sister was silent. She had much reason to be, as she was the one who had poisoned me. A poison so sadistic in its nature, that I would be alive, while all others percieved me to be dead. A poison which would slow my breathing and my heart so much that our best medicinary priests could no longer detect them. She did this so that I could lie here and witness my own funeral ceremony, feel my own death, as no other had ever felt it. When the hot liquid hit the bandages I could not scream or attempt to protect my self in any way. I could only lay there and watch the last of the light be shut out as they placed the cover on my sarcophagus. She had made sure that they etched my semblance upon this cover, so that my eyes were forever open, forever watching the dark halls of my own tomb.


Unknown said...

This is my favorite story from the 3MC so far. Also I wanted to drop 3MC on y'all.

Zombie_Flyboy said...

Kick ass story.