Tuesday, May 03, 2005


From Lenny.cc
by ry2k:

India's movie industry handed out its version of the Oscars on Saturday at the Bollywood Movie Awards, and blew all credibility by naming David Hasselhoff the International Star of the Year.

The event was held in Atlantic City, New Jersey as part of Bollywood's bid to be a global force in cinema. Let's get this straight....party in Jersey and a guy who can act opposite a talking car is their big star......they're off to a helluva start.

Hassellhoff's "Baywatch" and "Knight Rider," are still going strong in India, which explains why the entertainment industy there is in the shitter.

"I'm proud of shows like Baywatch and Knight Rider because it's about saving lives, not taking lives," he told Lenny.CC. "It's entertainment, it's tongue in cheek, it brings the world together," he said, adding that the entertainment industry was a powerful force for good in the world.
"I think it's responsible for a lot of world peace," Hasselhoff said, adding that he was hoping to work in India soon on a project based on a series of romantic novels. After his comments, Hasselhoff ran of the stage in slow motion

1 comment:

Unknown said...

You see Guy, you never really GOT Knight Rider. A shadowy flight into the dangerous world of a man who does not exist - sure, on the surface. But DH (as he is referred to on his fan club site) also knew that the American (and subsequently international) fascination with the automobile culture, both as a sexual and social element, could make for wacky shoot 'em ups and truck jumping shenanigans.

And the episode with EVIL Knight Rider was awesome, DH in a dual role, COME ONE!!

I need help.