Thursday, July 28, 2005

The Chronicles Of Work: A Googleplex Of Geekery

So I'll cover two days in one.

Yesterday - Wednesday wasn't much of a big deal.

I go back for the 3rd time to set up a speaker outisde for a bunch of lawyers (The OC Bar Assocaition - so judgmental lawyers at that) because they're having their celebration of being overtly white by the poool. The celebration was replete with a steel durm player (white guy), many many safe, yet colorful drinks and plenty of the "White Man's Uniform" to be had (light blue shirt with khaki pants). The steel drum guy (a quickly balding 30 something guy that seemed baffled by simply being awake) already had a P/A system and a mic set up, bnut lawyers being lawyers, they wanted another one - so I obliged.

After going to play poker (and winning only 8 bucks, but winning anything is still a win. Anyway, more on my game theories in a later post) I go back to break the speaker down and set up for the next day - today, Thursday. As I'm setting up I notice Carlos and Mauricio, the banquet captains watching me sweat my ass off (a gross picture if you take it literally) getting things ready. When I clap my hands together ala Vegas blackjack dealers to get ready to go they swiftly tell me that everything I set up has been changed.

This makes me angry.

I tear it all down and come back even later to set up for today.

Flash forward to today. I have to get my car fixed (something with the hamster falling off the wheel) so me and my goodlady wife (this is a joke - as the terms "goodlady wife", "lover" and "ladyfriend", along with Chris DeBurgh's "The Lady In Red" song all make me want to wretch violently for days on end) take the car to get all gussied up.

I stop by the hotel to give everyone their lavaliers (the clip-on unit for wireless mics) and speed off to drop the car off. I drop off the ol' battle axe (kidding, kidding, oh Jesus I'm kidding) and head for Target, as I'm apt to do at least once a day. Later I go back by to break down one event and stop to talk to Herminio. We chat about homes, cars and the price of life while I pack everything up.

Igo to put things back in my car and then come inside to let them know I'll be back later tonight to get the rest fo everything broken down. Herminio and Francisco are setting up one of the weekly Rotary Club meetings chatting about houses still. Then out of nowhere Herminio tells me that Francisco laughs like Scooby-Doo. I do my best imitation of Scooby laughing and they both get a good little chortle (good word, feel free to use it) out of it. As I'm wandering out of the room satisfied that I've made someone's day a little brighter, Herminio start singing the Scooby-Doo (the original and best one) theme in a thick-ass Mexican accent. I go to my car laughing harder than I have in a while and I'm off to write this entry.

Later, before the Thursday Knights' weekly convention, I'll go tear down the Mircobiologist's event and my goggleplex of geekery week will come to a close.

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