Friday, July 08, 2005

More Senseless Tragedy!

"Dahlink I love you but give me Apo-Nadolol™"*

Game show guest and convicted cop-slapper, Zsa Zsa Gabor suffered a stroke earlier this week. Her husband, lovingly referred to as "Number Eight" also mentioned that she had undergone surgery to treat her post-stroke condition.
Gabor, age unknown, is best known for her... okay well I don't know why we all know her. She has always been one of those celebrity types who was famous for just being famous. Like the Paris Hilton of the 40s, and that brings me to an interesting discovery... Zsa Zsa Gabor is Paris Hilton's great aunt!!!

Genetics... that explains it!

*I know that Green Acres was Eva Gabor but come on, can you come up with a memorable quote from Zsa Zsa? Apo-Nadolol is a popular stroke medication (it's called Google folks, look into it).

1 comment:

Jerrster said...

It's always sad when a notorious arrogant no-talent dies. She is Paris Hilton's Aunt or Great Aunt?

Funny how nature works, one media ho' passes the torch to the next. oh she's not dead yet...I thought she'd been dead for a few years.

wow can you imagine her nagging at you all the time? I bet she got to 8 husbands because all the others blew their brains out.