Friday, January 27, 2006

Cheese Friday: Bad Cheese

Head Cheese

Head cheese, also called souse and brawn, is a jellied loaf or sausage. Originally it was made entirely from the meaty parts of the head of a pig or calf, but now can include edible parts of the feet, tongue, and heart. The head is cleaned and simmered until the meat falls from the bones, and the liquid is a concentrated gelatinous broth. Strained, the meat is removed from the head, chopped, seasoned and returned to the broth and the whole placed in a mold and chilled until set, so it can be sliced.

I just threw up a little in my mouth.

-Mr. DNA


Andy said...

Holy Flying Fuckknuckles!

Bad enough it is what it is, but that description was completely sickening.

Is it wrong that I kinda wanna try some?

Unknown said...


no digg

Fig said...

My dear old Grandpa used to make head cheese. When I would bring a new boyfriend to meet him.. he would drag out the head cheese and make em try it. It was his own sick little test.

No.. I never tried it. gah