Thursday, January 12, 2006

I guess being a parent changes things...

Jerry Springer episode title: "Truckstop Ho & and Idiot".

A few years ago I would have thought this was hilarious. Now I just think it's sad.


Unknown said...

Not sure why you think it's sad. You are not the parent of a truckstop ho or an idiot. Hopefully you aren't the parent of someone who watches Springer either. I used to find that it boosts self-esteem to see the calibre of humans that are out there, I agree that was a tad myopic. However if there is an hour out of the day that the cretinous whordes that threaten to strangle this nation with their trash-living mass-baby-making lifestyles are not actually fornicating on the beer-stained, faintly pee-smelling couches of this nation, I say... well clearly I've lost my train of thought here.
Watch 'The View" those yentas are going to destroy this country.

Unknown said...

Cliff Notes Version: Bitches Be Crazy

Anonymous said...

These people are actually my neighbors. We knew them when they flew to Chicago to do the shooting of the episode.