Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Barenaked Ladies... made you look!

I'm not going to bust out with a fan gusher post or anything so pedestrian, but let me share something that I thought was pretty interesting.

BNL (the hip-kids in the know refer to them as BNL) are currently recording a new album at some magical location in the Canadian wilds (Toronto). Progress is reported on their website and a podcast (available via iTunes).

A feature of the podcast that I thought was really cool appeared in episode 15. They played an early demo of one of their most well known songs The Old Apartment and a few subsequent revisions. I think the very first version is when the guy who wrote it is playing for the rest of the band for the very first time.

I'm not in a band, and I've had 'band-envy' for a long time, I'm strictly a non-musician. But this was really interesting to hear the development of a song with which I was already familiar.

Anyway, if you are remotely interested by any of this babble, here are the links that will connect the many spurious dots.

Barenaked Ladies - Barenaked Ladies Podcast - Barenaked Ladies Podcast
The link to the podcast.

Barenaked Ladies - Born on a Pirate Ship - The Old Apartment
The link to the song "The Old Apartment".

The Barenaked Ladies Official Website

thePrisoner (broke into the old apartment)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I don't think any "hip kids" care about this band.

P.S. Transformers clip ROCKS!!!!