Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Clearly, some folks just don't get it.

Like this guy.
Not getting it.
Nice hat.

thePrisoner (that's a burn, amigo)


Jerrster said...

uh I'll give up burritos...to have easy freeway traffic like Monday...any day...nice hat...you got any legalized LSD,peyote or heroin in there Amigo?

Unknown said...

Now Jerry, as I'm sure you are aware the recent bill before the Mexican Congress (Los Hombres Mexicanos con Tuxedos) was intended to allow the 'personal use' amounts of certain controllled substances to be legalized. At no time should the people of the United States think that 'Drug Tourism' to Mexico is a good idea. As we all know 'Drunk Tourism' is Mexico's baliwick.
Incidentally President Vicente Fox declined to sign the bill, claiming that he could not find 'his' pen, the one he uses to do all his work.
Incidentally#2 The amount of peyote that was to considered permissable was in the region of 2 kilos (or 5 pounds in real money), is that nuts or what?