Wednesday, December 20, 2006

I promise to see this movie in a theater!

Yesterday I could care less about this movie.
... cartoon made into a movie by Michael Bay, blah, blah blah.
But today, I promise you I will see this movie, in a theater.
Really, I will actually set foot in a movie theater to take in the spectacle.

I don't know why, but I feel compelled. I'm guessing that the almighty Bay has created a new device that can hypnotize people to submit to his every whim. Of course with that promise (see above) comes the knowledge of all the past unfulfilled promises of my life. Way too many to list. So in reality on July 4th I'll probably skip this movie the same way I skipped almost all of the event movies and promises I've made in the last 9 years.

But if the movie gets released tomorrow I guarantee I'll see it! (unless I'm too busy, you know, the kids and stuff)

Mr. DNA (promises to make it up to you)


Unknown said...

The last time Guy was in a movie theater was to see the ORIGINAL Transformers Movie.
No way he's gonna venture out to the metroplex to catch this bad boy.
Now that the Cinedome is gone, does he even know where they show the 'talkies'?

Jerrster said...

the only movie I missed seeing in a theater was "the incredibles" and that was a crying shame....I'd rather be forced to watch "the view" than ever see a Michael Bay movie....I might even eat at Arby's before I'd pay to see one of his movies. yes it's that serious.

mr dna is a good parent he doesn't take babies into movie theaters...but oh man is he in for a treat...for years he will have to see every kid movie made.

I did my time...thank you very much.

Andy said...

Poo cartoon make poo movie by poo director.

I might have a laundry to do while this movei is out.


Andy said...

i typo good