Tuesday, June 12, 2007

It's Loving Day!! What did you get me?

Prior to 1967 certain states had laws that forbade interracial relationships. Yeah, go ahead and read that again.

or read this clipping from Wikipedia

Loving Day is an annual celebration held on June 12, the anniversary of the 1967 United States Supreme Court decision Loving v. Virginia which struck down the miscegenation laws remaining in 16 states. Loving Day is not an officially, government-recognized holiday, but is celebrated by a growing number of people throughout the United States.

Some states (ok, Alabama) still had miscegenation laws on the books (though unenforceable) until 1980.
1980 folks, you were there.

Today we observe the important decision Loving v. Virginia and while it is wonderful and probably should be a national holiday, isn't it a little embarrassing that we ever even had laws like this?

thePrisoner (Prisoner of Love)

1 comment:

Mr. DNA said...

Bern wants to know if people consider us an interracial couple.
Is an hispanic (family origins from Spain) female and a mighty whitey considered interracial?