Tuesday, January 27, 2009

My buddy, John Mayer

John Mayer is apparently a very talented musician who chicks dig. He dates Jennifer Aniston (from Friends, yay!) But I only know him as that dude I see on TMZ occasionally, and from his one episode T.V. show I saw at a friends house a few years back (I saw it at a house that had this mysterious thing called "Cable T.V." or maybe it was "Satellite". I don't know about you, but if it doesn't magically fly through the air and arrive at my house for free, I don't need it. And if, perhaps, I did need it I would borrow it from one of my "friends" via bit torrent.) Almost every time I see him on T.V. he make me laugh. I hope he makes you laugh too.

In conclusion, John Mayer = mancrush.

-Mr. DNA (Not a gay, I just play one on T.V.)


2 Dollar Productions said...

Mayer is a pretty funny guy, but I read that when he tried stand-up comedy for a short while (seriously), it didn't translate nearly as well.

Anonymous said...
