Saturday, March 27, 2004

JUST IN: SHOES FOUND SAFE, answers still not found.

The saga of Justin's missing shoes is ended. Earlier today Justin Armao's favorite shoes were found, unharmed and well, behind a door in the bedroom of his apartment.
His daughter, Kira, is suspected to have moved the shoes, or at least to have taken part in their disappearance. So far she has denied involvement and refuses to speak further unless there ice cream sandwiches present.
"I'm just glad that I can finally leave the house again" beamed Justin in a press conference today, "Right after I watch TV for a while, I am very seriously thinking about walking out to the mailbox!! It's been weeks. But don't hold me to it, theys(sic) havin' a Nash Bridges Marathon on the Superstation, so I might be indisposed.

Good For You, Justin!

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