Monday, March 14, 2005

30 Minute Comics Vol. 2 Issue 12

El Oso

I am a bear. I live in a tree.

Sometimes when I'm trying to go to sleep at night, I remember when I used to be a little. Mother and I used to go to the river to fish. The rushing water was icy waves hitting my face. I remember the way the slippery fish could wriggle right past my teeth. Mother would stand upstream of me and use her paws to guide more fish in my direction. She would always compliment me on my fishing. Even though
I knew I wasn't that good, it was still nice to hear.

I remember the way we would lay still and quiet when the winter started to come. Somehow mother could smell when the first snow would fall and we would go inside our cave just before the first snow flake hit the ground. The snow made everything so quiet and still. All I could hear were Mother and I breathing in the musty air of the cave.

I still remember the day when we were feeding by the river. I heard a loud crack in the air, and I thought it was lightning and thunder. But I was confused because it didn't look like it was going to rain. I didn't get really scared until I looked at Mother's face, and saw her eyes widen in fear. She told me to run to the cave, as fast as I could, and not look back or come out until she came to get me. She
told me she would be right behind me. I went into the cave, and lay there panting looking at the red and orange leaves laying on the ground, fresh off the tree branches. I lay in the cave all day and all night but she never came back. I stayed in the cave until winter came, afraid that if I left Mother would come back and not find me there. Winter came, the snow fell, but still no Mother.

When spring came I awoke and left the cave to get some food. Fishing in the river wasn't the same without Mother there to help and tell me how good I was. That night I couldn't make myself go back to the cave, it was too lonely. So I climbed up a tree and slept with the sounds of the owls and the crickets. That is where I spend most nights nowadays.

I am a bear. I live in a tree.

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