Sunday, April 03, 2005

30 Minute Comics Vol. 3 Issue 1


Listen Mister. This is my town. It may be a one horse town. But its my God damned town and my God Damned horse, horseshoes and all. You see this star? This star says I'm the sheriff. I make sure that roughnecks like you who pass through our community don't get too out of hand, or make too much trouble. That whisky you been drinkin'? I made sure it got here. This saloon you're sittin' in, I helped build it. I've bled for this town. My pain has been sifted in with the dirt here for so long that I am the foundation of this place.

I know just the kind of man you are and I know the kind of man you think you are. You just come into town, and kill a couple whores; make a mess of our watering hole. You think you can get away with it. Just cause they're whores. Well they're our whores not yours to kill. You wouldn't go onto a man's ranch and slaughter his cattle without askin' him would ya?

Just because one of my eyes ain't what it used to be don't mean I can't see right through those beady eyes of yours and into the hollow, where your soul should be. But you don't have a soul. You're the scum of the earth. I hope you take a good look at this star. Because I'm gonna to make sure it's the last thing you see before you hang.

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