Wednesday, June 22, 2005

Cruise not all bad, Oprah just more powerful.

Let it load...

Image found at Jerry Smith's

I don't know much about Scientology, but I would have to say that it's power pales in comparison to the Cult of Oprah.

Thanks anyway Tom, better luck on Regis and Kelly.

Is it just me but does ANYONE care about War Of The Worlds? - nah! didn't think so.


Jerrster said...

Toby--this is how scientology works. the "Great Poo-Bah Tom" is wired with a Tesla Coil probably near his ass somewhere. Oprah is no match for a pseudo-religion based on Sci-fi backed by large doses of Electrical current. According to Tom this is exactly what happens when he and Katie H. wrestle on the couch. Additional note: according to a spokesperson for Oprah after this encounter with the High Priest Mr. Cruise she is now a Virgin once again.
"Hail Hubbard!"

Jerrster said...

oh yeah...War of the Worlds...yawned all the way through the trailer yesterday while seeing Batman Begins.

Get an original idea Hollywood and we might go back to the movies.

Andy said...

Now if we could only get a Yoda vs. Tom Cruise match we'd have ourselves a pay-per-view winner.

Few things online make me laugh outloud - this was one of 'em.

Jerrster said...

uh Toby...I uh...yoinked your TCruise gif and played it up on my that sort of thing kosher? or just Cheesy?

Unknown said...

Cheesy? Heck no. I stole it from someplace m'self. It don't get more kosher.


Unknown said...

Just to be super clear and fair. I DID NOT MAKE THE CRUISE GIF - I don't want to take credit for it, only the pithy remarks. The gif was posted at this address - and I'm just linking to it, so feel free to link to it (tho' attribution might be nice).

Andy said...

I was the one who made the gif.

I also invented Cheez-Wiz, but I digress....