Sunday, May 14, 2006

Can We Make It Any Easier?

"Making it easy to download was a piece of cake. Making it easy to listen to... not so much."
Mr. Kamikaze

If you REALLY have to see our ugly mugs in living color, this enhanced podcast is brought you you by YouTube... and of course Pepsi.

thePrisoner (R&D Budget $0)

NOTE: The images aren't really lining up with the audio correctly in this format. We love YouTube but for the best version of the podcast download it and watch/listen on your iPod or in iTunes. We love you Apple, send us free stuff.

Mr. Kamikaze (hoping for a free iSight camera)

1 comment:

Andy said...

Yep - still awesome the 3rd time around.

I like the intro too.

By the way I made 6 bumpers of 3 bars of Devo songs for us to use on future casts if wanted.
