Thursday, September 01, 2005

BREAKING NEWS: Kane Poops In A Toilet!!

YORBA LINDA, CA (SEPT 1st) AP - Kane Julian is a big boy. He just went poop (with some assistance from Daddy) and was happy to select a purple star for the potty calendar.
Mom was immediately notified by text message and is said to be 'enormously pleased'. Kane is accepting telegrams from well-wishers but asks that any gifts me made in the form of donations to the victims of Hurricane Katrina.


Andy said...


Unknown said...

Hooray indeed!!

Jerrster said...

This is the kind of kid torture that makes having a blog ALL worth it! Although it doesn't really pay off till your kid is about 14 and you start announcing hickies and questions about where all the hand lotion is going.

Jerrster said...

Lily if you need an explanation about the hand lotion comment--email me.

Fig said...

hand lotion... and why is there a watermelon under your bed?

Fig said...

and by the way...
Yippie for the pooper!

Mr. DNA said...

My kid sure does poop.