Monday, May 15, 2006

Kooky Ads Part MMLXVIII

Covering wounds and helping you to clap in rhythm.


Anonymous said...

You probably wouldn't think this was so funny if you grew up in a world where every product was made for white people, and you were not white.

Unknown said...

I never thought making band aids pink(ish) was a particularly brigh idea either.

However I don't think everything was made for 'white' people. If 'anonymous' was a little person or in a wheelchair or missing a limb, these are certainly physical types that are not well accomodated for in out society.

Clear Band Aids have been available for some time.

Andy said...

Damn.... is joke - relax.

And yeah I still think its funny.


Anonymous said...

Yeah, I figured you wouldn't understand.

Andy said...

And I figured you wouldn't relax - so there we have it.

One person with a sense of humor and another without.

So goes the story of the U.S.A. circa 2006.

P.S. - It's awesome that you come by our blog to check out things that bother you - makes mer wanna find more to send you into a juvenile tizzy.


Anonymous said...

Oh! I get it! They're like band aids, but for black people. At first I thought it was some sort of punch-like drink by squeezing African-American children and adding copious amounts of sugar. ...but that wouldn't be funny! I guess it pays to read the fine print!

P.S. Hey Anonymous! The previous statement was intended to be ironic and is for entertainment purposes only. The author does not intend to imply that turning children of ANY race into a beverage, no matter how tasty, is a good idea or should be undertaken under any circumstances. Rather, the aformentioned post was intended as a piece of biting social satire and a comment the state of race relations in this country. Now that I have jerked you off sufficiently, please take your excellent sense of humor and go watch any of the fine comedy programs offered by ABC such as "According To Jim" or "The George Lopez Show." Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go play some blackjack at the nearest Indian Casino. ...err Play some African-American 21 at the local Native American Gaming Facility.